How to create CVs with ManageCV?

How to create CVs with ManageCV?

22 Jun, 2022 1811 ManageCV
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Creating CVs with ManageCV is simple. ManageCV platform was created with a vision in the mind of helping professionals with their most crucial document called CV. Your resume is the first contact with any organization where you are applying for a job. To create resumes/CVs with ManageCV, follow the simple steps mentioned below:

This tutorial is divided into several parts, please follow the steps carefully.

Step 1 (Start your Journey)

  • Log in to the ManageCV User Dashboard
  • Click on the CVs Management section available in the left sidebar
  • Click on the + Add CV button. A popup will appear, select a theme, add your photo, enter your CV name (for your ease of mind, this name will not appear in the CV), enter your occupation, and select the base color code.
  • Once you are all done, click on the submit button.

You have completed the first step, awesome! You will now see your recently added data under the CVs Management section. See the image showing the data inside the CVs Management section;

Step 2 (Enter Contact information)

Now it's time to proceed further. Follow the below-mentioned steps to complete;

  • Click on the information button, a new page will load. By default, Contact Information will be shown. If you want to change the default text, click on the rename button and change it as per your requirements.
  • Click on the add information button to add your information. New fields will appear. You will see icon field, icon color, and text fields.
  • Click on the dropdown menu next to the heart icon, search and select the icon e.g. phone icon for number, address icon for address. Please note we don't recommend adding your address to the CV!
  • Enter the text in the content box accordingly. Suppose you selected a phone icon, add your phone number in the content field.
  • To add more information, simply click on the add information and repeat the above-mentioned steps.

Don't write a long email address in your information section. We recommend you create a short and professional email address. For example, I am Pushap Raj Verma. My email address is and I am adding this long email address to my CV. When CVs get screened, my CV will look unprofessional even if I had mentioned all the good things in my resume. To overcome this issue, create a short email address, and increase your chances to be hired by the organization. e.g. I will now write or instead of It will help me look professional, and it's a win-win.

Step 3 (Create a list of titles/sections to be added)

To make CV creation more simple, create some titles for your CV. Let me explain what titles are while creating a CV. While creating a CV, we often write some terms like objective, skills, education, work experience, projects, awards, etc. These are known as resume/CV titles while creating a CV. Before creating titles, you have to understand which titles should be on the left and right side of the resume. Generally, we write objectives and skills on the left side of the resume while education, work experience, projects, and awards are on the right side of the resume. Below are some steps to create titles/sections for your CV:

Steps for the left and right side titles:

  • In the CV Management section, look for the recently created CV. Once targeted, click on the Sections button.
  • On top right corner, click on Add Section button.
  • Select the icon by clicking on the drop-down icon. To search for an icon, click on the search box and start typing. Select the best icon. If you don't have knowledge about web icons, we have created a simple, easy-to-understand list.
  • Add Section Name e.g. Objective.
  • Select a column. For the left side, click on the left side of the CV, and click on submit button.

With the above-shared steps, you will be able to create sections for your CV. You can create sections as much as you wish. We don't apply any restrictions.

Step 4 (Add content to the sections)

This is the major task. You should always make a good selection of keywords. Good keywords help you get a good position. Nowadays, CVs are often screened by ATS (Applicant Tracking System). If you write good content, you will get a good reward. Otherwise, ATS will simply ignore your resume. Below are the steps to add content to the sections:

  • Target a section, and click on the Section content button.

  • Click on Add Content button. Some options will appear.
  • To add a time follow line, click on the left border and select enable or disable. This option adds a borderline.
  • In the next column, you can add duration e.g. April 2013 - March 2015.
  • In the next input field, enter a title e.g. Graduated from St. College of commerce XYZ.
  • In the subtitle field, enter a subtitle that reflects your title e.g. Learned business skills.
  • To add more information about the title, you can add information by typing in the description field.

You can add more content to the same section by clicking on the Add content button. Once clicked, scroll down and you will see the same fields as the above-described steps under Step 4. Once added, click on the update button to save the data. If you have done a mistake by clicking on the add content button, click on the remove content button to remove the content dialog.

Step 4 can be applied to all the sections/titles.

Please watch the below video if you are unable to understand the steps described above.