What is EduCuration White-label LMS?

What is EduCuration White-label LMS?

02 Sep, 2022 1190 EduCuration
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Quick Introduction about EduCuration white-label LMS

The education sector has changed dramatically after COVID-19. In India, thousands of offline educational institutes closed due to low or zero occupancy. During this period independent teachers and some educational institutes opted to join the digital revolution. During this period teachers and institutes faced many issues like the selection of a better learning management system and other technical difficulties. To help independent teachers and institutes, The Creative Host came forward and started helping them. During this period The Creative Host decided to create a platform to help independent teachers and educational institutes.It took us one year and eight months to give you a better solution. And finally, we completed building the platform called EduCuration.

What is EduCuration white-label LMS?

EduCuration is a web-based SaaS project with a mission to help individual teachers and educational institutions easily create an LMS Website. With EduCuration, individual teachers and educational Institutes can start their online journey within minutes.

What are the feature of EduCuration?

EduCuration has lots to offer. You can create an eye-catching website with courses and blog posts. We allow you to create custom pages as well. If your website is approved with the Google AdSense, we allow you to run ads using Google ad. Ifnot, you can create custom ads. Also AWS integration makes it easier for you to store your files in a single place. Below is a complete list of the features of the EduCuration white-label LMS:

  1. Create Courses: With EduCuration its easier to create a course within minutes. Few clicks and some key-strokes, that's it! You will be able to create a course with different categories and different instructors.
  2. AWS Integration: To help you control the media (photos, videos, files) of your LMS website, we allow you to connect AWS with your LMS website.
  3. Custom domain: You can connect a custom domain with your LMS website to make it yours. We will never show our branding in your website.
  4. Custom Coupons: With EduCuration, you can create custom coupon codes. Codes can be flat discount and % discount. Also, with coupons, you can assign coupon to a selected course.
  5. Professional vCards: vCards, also known as digital cards, and bio-links in the modern world makes it easier for you to create vCards for your team. Your team will be able to share vCrad with their audience.
  6. Blog Module: An educational website is incomplete without a blog section. With EduCuration, we allow you to create blog posts in different categories.
  7. Disqus Integration: To help you get comments and reactions and comments on your blogs posts, we integrated Disqus. Disqus allows you to add reactions and comment facility in your blog post.
  8. WhatsApp Plugin: To help your followers/learners contact with you on WhatsApp, we added a plugin called WhatsApp. With this you can enable or disabe the presence of WhatsApp icon in the website.
  9. QR codes: With EduCuration, you will be able to create QR codes with your own branding.
  10. Course completion certificate: At the end of the course, you can offer your students a course completion certificate.

This is not the end of the features EduCuration white-label LMS is offering. This is just a beginning. We have a large vision, and we are improving the product day by day.